Data and Visualization Resources

Thanks for everyone who came to the #sci4hels panel, we had a blast!! Several of you asked for a more detailed list of resources and tools for visualizing data. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but just a taste of what's out there to get you started exploring and visualizing data on your own. Get in touch if you know of other good resources!
Data Gathering
Guardian Open Datastore and How-To Guide
State Legislature Downloads (regularly updated)
FOIA Letter generator (download file)
NOAA's National Climatic Data Center
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Data
Data Extracting, Processing and Designing
ProPublica's Data Bulletproofing Guide
Scraping guide from the ProPublica nerds
Extract an HTML table to Google Docs
Berkeley (Knight Media Foundation) basic guide to Google spreadsheets
Data Journalism Workflow by The Guardian
Design Principles for News Apps and Graphics
Data Visualization Tools/Tutorials
Interactive Bar/Fever Chart Generator
Michelle Minkoff's Graphing Tutorial
Data Visualization Blogs
Stephen Few's Visual Business Intelligence
Alberto Cairo's Functional Art
Also a great list of resources from Peter Aldhous (@paldhous)
And if you want to dive into programming a bit more, I wrote a blog post on the books/tutorials/websites that helped me learn to code.