A Ruby/Rails learning list + some extra

Since starting to learn how to code (about a year ago now), I've been meaning to put together a list of the really helpful links and resources I came across along the way. Sometimes it was a tutorial video that finally cleared up some long-standing befuddlement, or a random snippet of code that made the damn thing work after 3 hours of head-banging, or some really good explanation I wish I had read weeks earlier. Here's a jumble of all those things. Most are Ruby and Rails related, with some JavaScript, Git, and other stuff thrown in for good measure.
Peepcode: Meet Rails 3 Part 1 and Part 2
Awesome introductory videos that are also very convenient — you can download them right onto your phone and watch them on the subway (if that's your thing). Super comprehensive, might wanna watch them a couple times to get everything.
Rails Course from the University of Texas
A complete set of videos from a Rails online class from a prof at UT, a bit slower-paced and more detailed than the Peepcode lectures.
Best resource for both getting an introduction to different components (like routes or active record, etc) and also something to look back on every time you forget the correct syntax.
For getting how Ruby works, from Dan Nguyen.
Super detailed, super comprehensive, online book that walks you through the entire process from install to deploy.
Tips and tricks, how-to's for solving specific problems, and introductory "tours" of Rails techniques.
Actually a somewhat entertaining way to get the basics of Rails down in a real "lesson" format (complete with quizzes and exercises and many zombie-references).
Ruby Programming Language official page
Screencasts from the Rails official page
Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
Learn Ruby with the Neo Ruby Koans
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
Command Line
Zed Shaw's The Command Line Crash Course
Rapid Prototyping with Sinatra
The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize
Ruby regular expression editor
Sublime Text